[Google AdSense] Two things I did when I didn’t receive the results of the review.


Hello, this is HAL-JP.
In this article, I would like to introduce two things I did when the Google Adsense review results were not coming in easily.
I recommend this article for people who want to monetize their sites quickly, etc!

Send Feedback

The first is ‘Send feedback from Google AdSense admin’.
I received the review results the day after I sent it.
Note that this form is not an inquiry form. Also, it is important to understand that this is not the original use.

  • STEP.1
    Send Feedback

    The comment is “It has been a week since I applied for review, but I have not received a report on the review results. How is the status of the review? is sufficient.

Report AdSense Review Status Check Form

This form was closed in October 2023.

The second is “Reporting with the AdSense Review Status Check Form”.
This form is safe to use as it should be. However, since it is a report, it does not necessarily mean that Google will contact you. Also, this form, the logo is old! I wonder if it still works…! , but I think it’s better than not reporting it, so let’s report it!

  • STEP.2
    Read Privacy Policy and check Agree
  • STEP.3
    Enter your own name
  • STEP.4
    Enter site operator ID (optional)

    Site operator ID is not required, but it is a good idea to fill it out

    Check Site Operator ID

    Copy the verified site operator ID into the form

  • STEP.5
    Enter your email address

    Enter the email address you entered when you registered for Google Adsense
    Most likely registered with Gmail

  • STEP.6
    Enter the registered URL

    Enter the URL you submitted for Google Adsense review

  • STEP.7
    Enter other comments

    Enter “■” items by changing them to your own information, referring to the example sentences.

    Dear Google Adsense Reviewer
    Thank you for your help. My name is ■■. I would like to report a confirmation regarding your Google Adsense application. On ■■■, 2012, I applied for Google Adsense with ■(URL submitted for review)■. It has already been more than a week since the application was submitted, but we have not received the results of the review, and we were concerned, so we contacted you. We have checked the site again, and the application code is pasted in the <head> tag. Also, it is correct and in compliance with the policy. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please check with us regarding the Google Adsense review status.

    Finally, check the contents and click “Submit” to complete the report.

These are the two things we did when the Google Adsense review results were not coming in easily. While you are waiting for the review after practicing the above two things, increase your content and AdSense Program Policy. Also, try to maintain a quality account after passing the screening process. You can try it if you like.

If you are not sure how to do this properly, please feel free to contact us.


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